(` [] |` {' productions F R O S T B Y T E at midwinter 99 PREFACE.............................................................. Finally, Core Productions winning contribution at the Midwinter `99 democompetition. The promised unfinished part did unfortunately not make it due to heavy load from university studies. Too bad, because motioncaptured data looks very cool :-) The demo is in other words exactly as shown in the compo. INSTALL.............................................................. Unpack to a directory of your choice, where a "frostbyte"-directory will be created: FROSTBYTE/ DATA/ - data for demo SHOULD_BE_IN_LIBS/ - xpkmaster.library and sublib, put in LIBS: FROSTBYTE.EXE - change dir to here (PROGDIR:) and run this The demo will need _two_ timers!! Close any program using any timer (like executive) before running Frostbyte. Xpkmaster is also needed and an (old) version is included. AGA is not needed, thanks to RTG. To use RTG functionality, rtgmaster.library must be installed (not included). About 5Mbyte of memory and a 020 is required minimum. Tested on A1200/030'50 AGA A4000/040'33+604'180 Permedia2 A4000/060'50 AGA UAE/020'25 TNT COMMANDLINE.......................................................... Available commandlineparameters are listed here. There are two main modes: custom-AGA and RTG. Even though RTG also supports AGA, it is a different mode from the built-in custom-AGA. Built-in AGA is also faster in most cases. RTG could atleast in theory work in ECS-mode, but it would be pretty useless. > Default is AGA mode and PAL screen. > If you own a graphicscard, do not forget to give the "RTG" swith! RTG-Mode: RTG Custom AGA-Screen: NTSC | MULTISCAN | MULTISCAN2 RTG-Compatibility: MODFIX MODFIX corrects a problem with AGA under RTG. Very few c2p-modules in rtgmaster.library support different modulos of source and destination buffer so modfix fixes that, but at a lower framerate. Only synchronous c2p-modules work (usually CPU-only c2p). A rather good one is "cpu040" (works on 020/030 as well, but may change in newer versions of rtgmaster). If running the demo in a Workbench-window, you must also use MODFIX and only 8bits screens are allowed (rtgmaster should take care of that, but it doesn't, maybe in the future). When using rtgmaster, remember that holding down shift-key will bring up the rtg-screenmode requester if you once saved a setting. All in all, rtgmaster is pretty cool since the exact same code is used for aga-display and rtg-display. Easy to program for both! Just call CopyRtgBlit() and graphics will be shown on ECS, AGA, Cybervision, Permedia2, TNT... etc. depending on what hardware the user has got. CREDITS.............................................................. All coding, graphics and design by Andreas 'Icon' Lindquist and Lennart 'Houbba' Marklund. Music by Torbjörn 'Megaodi' Enqvist. The Player6.1a by Sahara Surfers and others. Core Productions - cp@acc.umu.se - www.acc.umu.se/~cp . o O © o ® e O o .